Thursday, February 17, 2011

Two Red Hot Chili Peppers

Decided to paint something a little colorful. So I went to the grocery and stood staring at the vegetable bins, trying to decide what would make the most interesting small painting arrangements, in terms of color and structure.

Since red is my favorite color, the choice was rather easy...these brightly colored chili peppers. I also chose a large poblano pepper, a red bell pepper, and a medium peach. Well, it took me a little time to find the precisely appropriate perishables, so let me tell you that I got some really strange glances from the produce manager, as well as a few fellow customers. But, no worries! I approached the checkout counter as proud as a new parent with my carefully selected, colorful incredible edibles.

It was a great deal of fun painting red against green, and I enjoyed every minute of it. Today I may graduate to the poblano...stay with me...

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