Monday, May 23, 2011

Alla Prima Green Leaf Study

I sifted through a number of old photographs until I found this color foliage snap for the leaf close-up study that I had been wanting to paint for several days. I had already given up on the plein aire approach a few days ago because of the intense sunlight and wind that were not conducive to my plans.

I really liked this photo because of the clarity of detail, and subtle color changes.

I chose a limited color palette of oils, along with an 8" x 10" canvas panel. I struggled, in the beginning, with a rather detailed underpainting, then decided that I was fussing too much over the details. It was at this point that I began having fun with the painting, and actually liking the results that I was getting using these predominately cool hues.

Contact me via email with any questions about this painting, or any others that you may be interested in displayed on this website.

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