Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Field of Wild flowers - Reworked

Good morning, all!

Yesterday I worked on 2 different paintings. The first one was a new oil painting which I had planned to entitle "Romeo and Juliet". Unfortunately, these star-crossed lovers are destined to remain that way...I am unhappy with the painting, as my subjects (in this particular case, two tangerines) looked decidedly disinterested in posing properly. I will consider this a teaching moment...Note to self: fruit is not always versatile, may become type-cast, and can literally TURN on you...)

The second painting was a rework of an acrylic canvas that I did about a year ago. I thought that adding warmer colors would enhance the painting - perhaps the blue toned picture of yesterday made me think of this.

Please see for yourself. I think it looks better.

See you tomorrow.

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